Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that utilizes the strategic placement of ultra-fine needles on certain points of the body. This centuries-old practice is all about promoting balance and harmony in the body’s energy flow, or what’s known as ‘qi’ (pronounced CHEE). By stimulating these points with needles, acupuncture can help alleviate pain and offer relief from a variety of symptoms associated with different conditions. This therapy is tailored to treat a wide range of ailments, such as chronic pain, stress management, anxiety, depression, migraines, arthritis, insomnia, and digestive disorders. The treatment is suitable for individuals seeking a non-pharmacological approach to managing their health issues. Results from acupuncture can vary; some individuals may experience relief immediately after treatment, while others may notice improvements after a few sessions. The duration of the results also varies, with many experiencing prolonged benefits.
To explore the benefits of acupuncture and how it can improve your overall well-being, consider booking an appointment with RENU Beauty and Wellness Med Spa in New London, MN. Our experienced practitioners offer personalized treatments in a serene and professional setting, which allows us to provide you with the best care possible. Experience the difference acupuncture can make in your life by scheduling your session today.
Acupuncture Initial Consultation & Treatment
(60 - 75 mins | $125)
After a consultation to discuss your health and talk you through what will happen in our session, I’ll get a clear idea of which point of your body to focus on. With soft, calming music and aromatherapy, your treatment room will be warm and comfortable, easing you into a state of relaxation for your acupuncture session to begin.
I will begin by placing acupuncture needles around your body, focusing on any problem areas we discussed beforehand, and these will be left for 20 – 30 minutes. You can spend this time meditating or just relaxing, taking time for yourself. Once the needles are removed, I will massage the focus areas to enhance circulation further.
Eating a snack or light meal before your session is a good idea, and please wear comfortable clothes
Acupuncture & Massage Blended Session
(90 mins | $145)
After a consultation to discuss your health and talk you through what will happen in our session, I’ll get a clear idea of which point of your body to focus on. With soft, calming music and aromatherapy, your treatment room will be warm and comfortable, easing you into a state of relaxation for your acupuncture session to begin.
I will begin by placing acupuncture needles around your body, focusing on any problem areas we discussed beforehand, and these will be left for 20 – 30 minutes. You can spend this time meditating or just relaxing into taking a moment.
Once the needles are removed, I will apply some natural aromatherapy oils to the skin and begin to knead, stretch and pull tension for your entire body through massage, sending you into a state of pure relaxation.
Eating a snack or light meal before your session is a good idea, and please wear comfortable clothes.
Acupuncture Follow-up Treatment
(45 - 60 mins | $75)
Follow-up sessions after your initial Acupuncture consultation are recommended for maximum benefits, and each one will continue to be tailored to your health concerns and body’s needs. We’ll be able to go straight into relaxing you into the session with aromatherapy before placing the needles around your body’s focus points.
Benefits of Acupuncture
- Reduces chronic pain
- Enhances mood by reducing stress and anxiety
- Improves sleep quality, aiding in the treatment of insomnia
- Boosts the immune system
- Alleviates migraines and headaches
- Offers relief from chronic neck and back pain
- Enhances digestive health
- Improves fertility
- Increases energy and vitality
- Supports overall wellness and health
Who is a good candidate for Acupuncture treatment?
Acupuncture is suitable for most individuals looking to address specific health concerns without the use of medications. However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure it is appropriate for your particular health situation.
How does Acupuncture work?
It works by stimulating certain points on the body to balance the flow of energy, effectively reducing pain and encouraging healing.
What can Acupuncture treat?
Acupuncture is effective in addressing a wide range of ailments, including chronic pain, stress, anxiety, migraines, arthritis, and insomnia, among others.
Is Acupuncture painful?
Most people experience minimal discomfort; some may feel a slight prick as needles are inserted, followed by a sensation of warmth or tingling.
When can I expect to see results from Acupuncture?
Results vary; some individuals may feel relief immediately while others may notice improvements after several sessions.
How long do the results of Acupuncture last?
The duration of Acupuncture’s effects can vary, with many experiencing lasting benefits that can improve quality of life.